Food manufacturer and seller.
Chrsity Friedgram Industry, Food manufacturer and seller, Namakkal, TamilnaduWe are supplying to wholesalers and retailer in five districts of west tamil ndau.
Whole Wheat Atta, Ragi Flour, Bengal Gram dhal Flour, Bajji-Bonda Mix, Christy Health Mix, Instant mix etc. We are Following of GMP, GLP, GHP.
Established in: 1989
Location: Trichengodu / Andipalayam, Namakkal, Tamilnadu
Branch Office: Chrsity Friedgram Industry, Bangalore
Phone: 04288285401
FAX: 04288285963
Email: djee03(at)
Note: (at) = @
Contact : Mr.D.Jeevanandham;
Position: Quality Controller
Postal Address:
Christy Friedgram Industry, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Andipalayam, Trichengodu, Namakkal, Tamilnadu
Profiled on : August 07, 2005.