IT- Software / Hardware
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SAAMS INFOLOGY deliver high quality Custom Software Development Solutions engineered to suit every customer’s requirements that follow mature development and deployment processes, with proven tools, efficient methodologies, and comprehensive verification and validation.
SAAMS INFOLOGY provides customers with high value, quality services to support and maintain business critical applications. We have pioneered techniques to efficiently transfer knowledge, in virtually any technology, to its service teams enabling customers to.
Assign tasks to SAAMS to release staff for leading edge development projects.
Delegate responsibility for the retention of critical system knowledge to SAAMS.
Make SAAMS accountable through Service Level Agreements
SAAMS INFOLOGY partners with customers to provide solutions that enable enterprises to meet the challenges of keeping ahead of the competition, keeping up with technology changes, retaining key knowledge and maximizing the services within budget.
Major Customers:
Asman art gallery, CSSK, Dr. bansalhomoeolab, Mukesh tyagi
Software Developments, Web Design and Developments, RFID and Smart Card Solutions, 3D Animations, Graphics & others
Established : 2006
HO Location: Delhi
Phone: 9891941741, 9873278884
Email: amitpopli80(at)
Note: (at) = @
Contact : Amit /Prashant, directors
Postal Address:
Profiled on : August 27, 2006