Web : www.growdiesel.com
Products :
Biodiesel Technology Supplier, Jatropha Plantation
Growdiesel Consortium, Biodiesel Technology Supplier, Delhi
Biodiesel Technology Supplier
Major Customers :
All diesel customers
Major Projects:
Biodiesel Project, Jatropha Plantation
Brief Profile:
Growdiesel is a very high quality premium Biodiesel. Growdiesel is a cleaner-burning alternate to diesel fuel made from natural, renewable sources such as non-edible Jatropha and Algae oils.
Being a renewable and domestically produced product, Growdiesel fits well under the Energy Policy Act, which is in place to help ensure national energy security through replacing imported petroleum products with domestic alternative fuels.
Established : 2002
Location: Delhi
Branch : Mumbai
Phone: 32904064
FAX: 42404335
Email: info(at)growdiesel.com
Note (at) = @
Contact : Sunit Nibheria, Sr. Consultant
Postal Address:
B-196,Surajmal Vihar, Delhi
Profiled : November 07, 2007