Timecontrol devices, Chennai

Microcontroller based circuit designer and embedded based software

Timecontrol devices, Chennai. Microcontroller based circuit designer and embedded based software.Microcontroller based circuit and instrumentation designer. Embedded based software undertaken. Automation products for process control.

Designers and manufactures of digital equipments according to the requirement of actual user. PC based college projects with embedded master slave clocks in two core transmission. College projects in embedded microcontrollers. Timers, counters, speed limiter, process controls.


Established : 1980

HO Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Email: timebase(at)vsnl.com
Note : (at) = @

Contact : M. A Basha

Postal Address:

No.9. Mohammed Hussain Sahib Street, Chennai-2.

Profiled on : May 19, 2006