Fast Forward Calicut: Medical College: Medical college is situated on the Calicut – Mavoor road about 5 KM from the city is a large medical institution providing great solace for the poor masses of all districts of Malabar. Previously no other institution of its stature existed in the region. However now there is pariyaram medical college in Kannur to cater to northern Kerala.
- 1695 – About the next Mamankam from ‘New Accounts of the East Indies’ by Captain Alexander Hamilton, Chapter XV :- “In Anno 1695, one of these jubilees happened when the tent was pitched near Ponnany, a seaport of his (Samoothiri’s) about 15 leagues to the southward of Calicut. There were but three men that would venture on that desperate action, who fell on with sword and target, among the guards, and after they had killed and wounded many, were themselves killed. One of the desperadoes had a nephew of fifteen or sixteen years of age, that kept close by his uncle in the attack on the guard, and when he saw him fall, the youth got through the guard into the tent and made a stroke at His Majesty’s head and had certainly despatched him, if a large brass lamp which was burning over his head, had not marred the blow; but before he could make another he was killed by the guards, and I believe the same Samoothiri reigns yet. I chanced to come that time along the coast and heard the guns for two or three days and nights successively.” The 15 year old boy mentioned was Chandrath Panicker.
- 1729 to 1731 – Epidemic of small pox all over Kerala.
- 1741 – From the Dutch – Stein Van Gollenese wrote: – “Valluvanatty (Walluvanad) alias Arangolla is a kingdom next to Bettette (Vettathunad). The king has the privilege every 12 years of sending notorious murderers to the feast of Mamanka, the right to conduct which, so he says, has been taken away from him by the Zamorin contrary to all right and justice. A few weeks ago, he caused two elephants of the Zamorin to be carried off, which has provoked the Zamorin to such an extend that the latter intends to make war upon him after the feast of Mamanka; but as this matter is no way affecting the Honourable Company, we may look forward to the results with equanimity.”
- 1743 – Mamankam festival. Chavers came from Walluvanad as usual to question the authority of Samoothiri.
- After the festival Samoothiri send his armies to attack Vellaattiri. The Vellaattiri had also prepared for a final assault and was organizing his army for a show of strength. The advancing army of the Samoothiri met with the same problem that they had faced in the previous large scale war with Vellaattiri – the hilly and untractable Walluvanad were well used by Vellaattiri’s men in the war. These forests proved to be perfect death traps for Samoothiri’s soldiers. The Vellaattiri’s striking power was also underestimated. Both armies underwent heavy losses, and Samoothiri was forced to stop the war by the onset of monsoon.