BTech Result :
Result of the 7th Sem exam conducted in June Published. Revaluation/scrutiny of papers, the last date will be on Oct. 30. The last date for supplementary exam is also will be on Oct. 30.
BPT. Exam result :
BPT supplementary exam conducted in Dec, Feb result has been published. Revaluation / scrutiny of papers, the last date will be on Oct. 19.
BTech / BArch exam:
The last date for applying for the BTech / BArch combined first and second part time and supplementary examinations, third sem (regular, part time and supplementary) fourth semester (part time supplementary) fifth sem (regular, part time and supplementary 2000 and 20004 admissions) sixth sem part time and supplementary, seventh sem (regular, part time and supplementary), eighth sem (part time and supplementary 200 admissions) examinations is on Oct. 20.
Applications will be accepted till Oct. 27 with a fine of Rs.25/- Those who have not applied for the eighth sem examinations held in May / Jun 2006 need only apply for eight sem examinations as per this notification. The examinations of the combined first, second and eighth sem will begin on December 6. The examinations of the seventh sem will begin on December 6. The dates of the examinations for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth sem will be announced later.
Results Published:
The results of examinations of third Semester MA West Asian Studies held in Feb 2006 have been published. The last date for applying for re-valuation / scrutiny / copies of answer sheets is Oct. 18.
MSc. Botany Practical:
The practical examinations and viva-voce of the second sem MSc. Botany will begin on Oct. 12. The practical examinations will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and viva-voce from 2.30 p.m. More details can be obtained from the examination centre.
- Homeo Results:
The results of the MD Homeopath examinations part 1 and II held under the new scheme in June 2006 have been published.
BLISC – exam :
The registered students through Distance Education Program should collect their Hall Ticket from the University Library & Information Science Dept. The examinations will be commenced from Oct. 26 to Nov.13