High capacity routers – Internets first main constituent

Routers are equipment which route Internet traffic. To talk about routers, we must tell you about TCP/IP; the fundamental building block of the Internet.


TCP/IP is expanded as Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. This is the most important and fundamental protocol that’s enabling communication on the Internet. That takes us to the question what’s a protocol? A protocol is a set of rules describing how communication takes place.

Understand that TCP/IP protocol has two parts. One is TCP and the other is IP.

Using TCP, programs on networked computers can create connections to one another, over which they can send data. TCP utilise ports to do this. Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. Communication on the Internet takes place through these IP addressees.

TCP/IP moves data and in packets on the Internet.

Now, don’t worry about the details, just understand that TCP/IP protocol suite moves your data across the Internet while you are browsing or sending an e-mail. Also understand that TCP/IP executes this movement of data in small packets of data. These are called TCP/IP packets.

To remind you our sub topic, its large routers. We told you TCP/IP move data on the Internet. To do this it sometimes needs the help of routers. When you are working on your office network comprising hundred of PCs, servers etc.. On the same broadcast network (think same cabling) you don’t need a router to move TCPIP data from a PC to PC.

Next: How router character gets it role on the Internet