Chavara Cultural Centre organized its Christmas program with cultural events, at Amalapuri Hall, Kozhikode on 17th December, 2011.
Popular lyricist Kaithapram Damodaran Namboothiri inaugurated the event, by rendering a poem on Christ.
Writer P.R Nathan delivered the key note address based on “God is Love”. He narrowed down the discussion from this wider perspective to the daily life in contemporary society. The sketch threw light on focus and lacuna of present generation and related issues in day to day life.
Director, Chavara Cultural Centre; Father Jose Edappadiyil CMI welcomed the gathering.
Father John Mannarathara; Principal, Devagiri CMI Public School, presided over the function.

Differentially abled members of AshaKiran performs on stage

Kaithapram rendering a song on Christ
National Award Winner and retired Principal Sister Jovita was honored for her life time achievement in teaching at the function. She shared her touching moments in the profession as a teacher and highlighted the positive aspects of Japanese culture, drawn from her recent visit abroad as member of a student exchange programme between India and Japan, in a thought provoking manner.
Felicitations were extended by Dr. Sugathan.
Children of Chavara School of Dance made the evening colorful with their vibrant and energetic cinematic dances.
Ragadeepam, Children’s Music School presented a choir and played a musical medley of popular carol songs on organ and guitar.